How to join

If you have qualified with a QQI Level 6 Certifificate in  Regional or National guiding or have qualified with a guiding Badge you are eligible to apply for membership  Admission to membership is subject to board approval.  

If you would like to join us we will need the following:

  • Completed application form (available below).
  • A copy of your QQI level 6 certificate / Guiding badge. NB: Result Statements are not accepted as a form of joining - we need the Certificate.
  • One 'passport style' photograph (800px by 800px) - but not a passport photograph per se, more a current head-shoulder shot possibly with a smile, representing you as a professional guide, this will be used for the ID and public profile picture.
  • Certificate of language proficiency if you propose to guide in a foreign language (any language which is not your native language).
  • Please note:Once your membership has been approved, an email will be sent to you with instructions of how to pay your membership fee.  
  • Once your membership fee is paid in full you will receive your welcome to ATGI email and your insurance cover will then begin.


Membership fee - for 2025 is €220. Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December 2025.

Please use our on-line Membership Application Form.

Please note: I am a professional tourist guide and work as the Membership Director on a voluntary basis.

Stephen Delaney  - Membership Director -